Gay Indeed Page 4
“Serves you right! You became a nobody the day you told us about your activities.” I’m getting impatient, and my brother is getting on my nerves. I know getting angry won’t solve my problems, but he is irritating me.
He looks out to the driveway and sees Harvey, arms crossed over his chest, legs crossed at the ankles, leaning over the fancy SUV.
“Who’s that? Your boyfriend?” He mocks, “or are you just bending over for him for a couple of bucks?”
That did it. I swing my fist so fast, it connects with Ahmed’s face, cracking something. Whether it was his jaw, or my knuckles remains to be seen. The rest is a blur as I feel Harvey pulling me back and my parents—who came out nowhere—babying my brother after we both got a few punches in.
“Hey! Are you ok?” Harvey asks.
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“Your eye is already starting to swell. That doesn’t scream ‘fine’ to me.”
“You should’ve seen the other guy.” I joke around, and for a moment, I forget where I am. That is until I hear my father sneer, followed by my mother’s voice.
“What are you doing here?” She asks. “We made it perfectly clear you are no longer welcome.”
“Ma’ I’m not here for trouble. I told Ahmed, I just want my birth certificate.”
“And I told you not to come back or to call me your mother. You are nothing to me; you are nothing more than a sinner; a pervert.”
“Just give me the certificate, and I’ll be out of your way.” But she finally realizes there is someone else on the porch with us.
“And who is this man?”
My father looks up from Ahmed and stands up straight before spitting his venom. “Neither you nor your disgusting friends are welcome here. Get the fuck out the same way you came.” And then Harvey grows sick of it all because he approaches my parents with a straight face. His presence commanding the room.
“Mr. And Mrs. Spencer, my name is Harvey Breevort. I’m Tobias’ lawyer. We are here to retrieve his belongings.”
He is my what? Both my parents stiffen but don’t back down, and neither does Harvey.
“Ma’am, sir, we can do this the easy way.”
“Or?” My father interrupts.
“Or I can go into my car, get the court order that I have in my briefcase, and call the local police to demand uninterrupted access to your home. I’d prefer not to do that, ma’am. Your house is rather lovely.”
If my jaw wasn’t probably broken or something, it could’ve dropped to the floor. But what is even more bizarre is that my parents buy it. They get out of our way, and I walk to what used to be my room; Harvey follows.
When I enter the room, I find that it looks just as it did when I left. There’s the same empty bottle of water with the label peeled off.
I’ve only cried three times in my life. When my grandma died, when my parents kicked me out, and today.
Chapter 8
I can’t believe what I just witnessed. I knew it was terrible; I never doubted Tobias’ words. But having a front-row seat to the unfairness of it all was too much for me to let Tobias go throw.
The way he sees the world, the way he is always in a good mood, it’s all to be admired after seeing them treat him like they did. He is the best man I’ve known in my life; the most honest and kind. How can they just put him out of their lives like that?
“I don’t have it here,” Tobias says, but I have no idea of what he means.
“You don’t have what?” He turns around to talk to me, and that’s when I see it. His eyes so red, traces of tears all over his face.
“My birth certificate. My mom keeps those in her room. Unless she burned it, of course.” His attempt to make a joke right now doesn’t amuse me.
Without thinking or asking, I move toward him and hug him. His arms wrap around my waist, and I can hear the pain in his voice.
“That bottle of water? I left it there. I was nervous to tell them that day, and I peeled the entire label, trying to find a way to tell them.” I wait a minute or two before I pull him back; my hands on each side of his face and speak.
“Do you trust me?”
“Why? Of course, I do.”
“Then wait here, ok?” He nods, “Get everything you want to keep, in a suitcase if you have one. Wrap it in your sheets or something if you don’t. Take everything you need so you don’t have to set foot in this house ever again.” He nods again, and I let him go, so I can leave the room and meet his parents wherever they are in the house.
“Ma’am?” I found all three of them in the dining room. “What?” She says in a bitter tone.
“I’m going to need any other possession of Mr. Spencer that you keep around your house. He says you kept his birth certificate in some sort of safe. I’m going to need that too.” She gets up and walks toward wherever she keeps what Tobias needs. I speak to his father and brother.
“Mr. Spencer and I will be retrieving all belongings from his room. I advise that you keep the door open until we are done. Understood?” His brother nods, but his father remains quiet. His mother returns and hands me a thick envelope, then I return to Tobias’ room, and he indeed has all wrapped in sheets.
“Come on, let’s take it all to my car. I made sure they will keep the door open until we get it all.”
“This is all.”
I look around and see so many trophies, medals, pictures of him with his family, and then I understand what he is doing. He is giving them up. He is leaving behind the Tobias Spencer they raised. He is saying goodbye to his entire life for the second and what he hopes is the last time. I nod, and we each grab a heavy bundle of whatever he has wrapped in these sheets and leave the room. On the way out, he speaks to his family.
“All the things you want to say, save them. I know I’m no longer welcomed here; I won’t come back. Burn anything else I left in that room. Cut me out of every picture, every single one. Forget you ever had a second son.
“Mom, Dad, this is the last time I call you that. Ahmed, best of luck to you and your fiancée, and I hope the wedding goes well next year.”
Then he turns around and walks away from them, not looking back once. And I leave them with the last few words.
“Also, I’m not a lawyer, but since you are all so ignorant, I figured you would buy it. Have a happy life without your son... or at least try.”
As I suspected, they don’t talk. I guess they weren’t expecting for Tobias to really give up on them and disappear entirely from their lives.
We begin our five-hour trip, and it is already getting dark outside. To match the current mood, I assume. The first hour goes by in silence, not even the radio on. Then we find ourselves stuck in traffic, and when we move about a mile in forty-five minutes, I decide to break the silence.
“It’s dark already, and this will go on for God knows how long. I think we should stay in a hotel tonight and drive back tomorrow. Do you want to do that?”
“OK.” It’s all he says.
It takes us another hour to get to an exit with a Marriot logo on the sign. We had moved about five miles by then, so the hotel was a great idea.
Arriving at the hotel, I get us a double room. When it is all taken care of at the front desk, we move to our room. To my surprise, I find that the room is a single, not a double. “Shit! Wait here, ok? I’ll go back and ask for the right room number.” He nods, which is all he’s done since we left his parents. I go down to the lobby and explain the situation to the clerk.
“I’m so sorry for the misunderstanding, sir,” says the clerk, “we just booked the last double we had. I take full responsibility for it, and I can talk to my manager to give you a discount on your stay. Again, I apologize. With the big accident on the highway, we booked every room rather quickly.”
“OK, I guess. I’ll talk to my friend and see if he is ok with it. If he isn’t, then we will be canceling the stay.”
“Completely understandable, sir. Once again, I apolog
ize.” I accept the apology and go back to the room. I find Tobias seated on a chair by the window, lost in thoughts. Seeing another chair available, I drag it in front of him and speak.
“Hey?” He looks at me, “They made a mistake and gave us this room, but they don’t have any more rooms available. We can try to find a different hotel; this one is booked because of the highway accident. I don’t have a problem sleeping in the same bed, but if you are uncomfortable, we can leave.”
“I don’t want to leave,” he whispers, “I want to sleep.”
“Alright, then. I’m pretty tired too, so I’ll just take a quick shower and come back to sleep.”
I do as I say and take a shower. When I go back into the room, I find Tobias already asleep under the covers. His shoulders exposed, indicating he took his shirt off. I don’t bother putting mine on and just get under the covers, and once I do, I feel him snuggling close to me, throwing an arm over my waist. When he gets even closer, I realize: Not only is he not wearing a shirt, but he is also not wearing pants.
I don’t think I’ve ever laid so still for as long as I have tonight. An hour must have passed, and my eyes are nowhere near closing, especially since I can feel a hard erection pressed to the side of my knee.
A noise out in the streets startles me, and when I look to the side, I find Tobias blue eyes open and staring at me. His arm still across my stomach, his head resting on my shoulder, where he put it about fifteen minutes ago.
“How do you feel?” I ask him; neither of us attempts to move from our current positions.
“I don’t know. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to—” He begins to move back, and I hold him in place.
“It’s ok, I’m here for you, Tobias. It’s ok.”
He doesn’t talk; instead, he just continues to stare into my eyes, and I can’t get myself to look away. I should have seen it coming, especially since I was slowly leaning into it, but it wasn’t real until I felt it, it wasn’t until his lips touched mine that I realized.
Tobias and I are kissing!
Chapter 9
I am kissing Tobias Spencer.
I want to pull away, but I can’t. Instead, he moves to straddle me, and I let him. No, not only do I let him, but I also grab his hips to get him here faster.
“Tell me this is wrong, Harvey. Tell me to pull away, please.”
“I can’t…” Is all I say. The man is wearing the tightest boxer briefs I’ve ever seen, grinding his hips against mine, and I have no idea why it feels so good. It shouldn’t feel this good.
“You will regret this, Harvey. I know you will.”
“I will also regret not doing it, so stop talking and come back down here.” And he does. Has he always been this perfect? Or is my brain playing tricks on me?
“I’ve wanted this since the day I met you.”
“I know,” I smirk, and he smiles against my lips.
“Dick!” He retorts.
“I thought you liked those.”
He stops the kiss completely, pulling his mouth far, too far away from mine. I already miss his mouth, even if I’m not ready to question why. What I do question is why his mouth is no longer mine.
“Why did you stop?”
“Because you’re right. I like those,” his face shows pain and restraint, and he continues, “but you don’t, Harvey. I can’t do this to you.”
He begins to move off my lap, but I don’t let him. “Stop doing what you think is right, for once. We are far from home, and whatever happens here will stay here. No one will know.” His sudden expression tells me I said the wrong thing, until he smirks.
“Can I taste you?”
“You just did. But yes, by all means, continue.” He gives me a weird look that doesn’t give anything away.
“No, Harvey. Can I taste you?” He moves his lips so close to my ear, it sends shivers through my body, “As in, putting my mouth on your dick and sucking you off.” And suddenly, I am very aware of how hard I am for a guy. No, not just any guy, Tobias.
“I’m going to count to ten, and if you haven’t stopped me when I finish counting, I’m doing it.”
He is counting as he goes lower. Kissing my neck, my pecs, swiping his tongue over my nipple without stopping there; he just goes lower. I know he is counting, but I can’t stop him. I am selfish, and I know that too.
He unbuckles my jeans and lowers my zipper. He takes my cock out, and when he whispers, “ten,” his mouth goes down on my shaft, making me feel something too good and rare to describe.
“Tobias!” I moan his name, and it leaves my lips as if that is where it belongs. The man knows how to use that mouth. A man. Fuck! I’m letting a man suck me off.
“You smell so good, baby. Feed me your cock, give it to me.” I ignore the endearment and get both my hands in his hair; then I hold him in place as I follow his instruction, as I feed him my cock.
He looks up at me with his mouth full of my cock, and I see his eyes water, which just makes me go harder, fuck his mouth deeper.
“You like being there, don’t you? You love how hard I’m fucking those pretty lips of yours.” He nods without taking his eyes off mine, and that finishes the job.
I roll my eyes far back as I come down his throat, feeling it constrict around the head of my dick, milking every drop of cum I’m giving him. When I’m done, he sucks my cock dry, but I don’t let go of his head. I keep it there where I can still touch him; where I can still feel him, but can’t see him, because, fuck! I let Tobias suck me off.
Chapter 10
Harvey should have stopped me. What was I thinking? Why didn’t I stop myself? I slept all night with his fingers going through my hair, my head on his lap, and his soft cock out and spent right next to my face and thank God I woke up first.
I made a lousy attempt at brushing my teeth with my fingers and some tiny toothpaste I found in the bathroom. After a decade of hiding in it, I go out into the room and find Harvey fully dressed, with a toothbrush in his hands.
“Do you carry supplies around like a boy scout?” His lack of a response gives me the answer I knew, but I ask the question anyway. “You want to forget about last night, don’t you?” And again, his absent response is enough. “Consider it forgotten. What happened in Maine will stay in Maine, Mr. Breevort.”
The trip back home is even more awkward than the entire time we spent at my parents' house.
I feel someone getting under the sheets, a hand goes up on the inside of my thigh, a breath on my neck followed by the whisper of my name.
“Tobias, I need you. I need to be inside you.”
“I told you already, Harvey. Our first time will be me doing the taking.” He moved away from me, and I think I scared him until I felt a mouth around my dick.
“What are you—? Oh, fuck!”
“I have no idea what I'm doing here. Would you teach me how, like, how to, eh… suck you off?”
“Fuck, yes, I will!”
Such a good student my man is. I can't believe I have him between my legs, “Yes, baby, just like that.” He has no idea what he is doing, but fuck it, this is Harvey. I'm already close to letting go.
“Baby, I don't think you'd like what's coming, you need to move before I—fuck, before I come in your mouth.” He shakes his head. Damn it! This man will kill me.
He keeps going at it doing his best, and I feel it, I feel the tingle, the alert that I'm about to let go in Harvey's mouth, and as I feel the release crawling up to leave my body…