Gay Indeed Read online

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  “That is not necessary, sir!”

  “I apologize, Mr. Spencer.”

  They say at the same time; Daniels extending the most insincere of all apologies. I thank the kid for not telling everyone I’m here, and what do you know? The manager hasn’t even left his back office to come and supervise the operations.

  Excusing myself, I leave Mr. Spencer to order dessert and make my way to the back to give my manager an ultimatum. About half an hour later, I am back at the table, getting ready to leave.

  “Eh, sir? There is something I think you need to know before you welcome me in your house.” I brace myself for whatever Tobias is about to say. “My family? The reason why they threw me out, it’s because they found out I’m attracted to men. I’m not a pervert or anything sir, I promise. I just figured you should know in case you want to change your mind.”


  Chapter 3

  I stay there, looking deep into his eyes, but he doesn’t say a word. I start getting up understanding that this guy is just as homophobic as my family.

  “Mr. Spencer? Where are you going?”

  “It’s ok, sir, you don’t need to try to disguise your disgust. I do appreciate the meal, though.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You! I told you I’m attracted to men, and you just gave me that look... the look everyone gives.”

  “Actually, Mr. Spencer, I was merely waiting for you to tell me the part that would make me not hire you. I don’t see how being gay would stop you from doing physical tasks such as pool cleaning, so I see no reason for it to be an issue. Plus... it is not like you are attracted to all men.”

  “Finally! Someone who understands it! So, you won’t be disgusted to have me around?”

  “Mr. Spencer, you have been living around the wrong crowd. It’s the new millennium; I’m pretty sure everyone is a little bisexual at this point.”

  Everyone? Does that include him? Ok sure, Tobias... like you can be that lucky. So, I limit myself to be grateful and move on. “Thank you so much, sir! I will work as hard as I can to prove I’m not lying.”

  “It’s OK, Spencer. I already believe you, but I’m glad you want to prove yourself. Now, come on! I have a few errands to run, and then we can head home so I can show you around and explain all I will need help with.”

  I walk behind him as he talks, and all I can think of is that I could help him with anything he needs. Shit! Even if he doesn’t need it, I’ll help him. The man is hot, and to quote my celebrity crush, Adam Levine... the man is hotter than a Southern California day.


  —Five months later—

  You’d think that being bisexual means, you get to have twice the options. You, my friend, would be very wrong! Being bisexual means that you get to be twice as jealous when you see a fine specimen like my boss, groping one of his latest conquests all over the place when he thinks no one is watching. Voyeurism is no joke; there is like, porn about it and stuff.

  “Spencer! I don’t pay you to daydream.” I hear Harvey approach and rolled my eyes at him. Only because I know he is joking, of course.

  “I don’t understand. You make me call you Harvey, but insist on calling me, Spencer. It makes me feel like I’m about to be scolded by my professor.”

  And fuck! Cue the hot professor fantasy. Great!

  “Ok, Tobias. Happy?” I nod and smile. “Perfect, now come on. We are late for lunch.”

  One of the many perks of working for Harvey is that he also became my friend. We’ve developed a nice friendship that I would appreciate even if I didn’t want to ride him senseless.

  “One of these days, you’ll have to tell me what it is that you are always thinking about.” Harvey says.

  “Believe me; you don’t want to know.”

  Another perk? A dangerous one too, is that the man has no problem with me flirting with him. And ok, he thinks I’m always joking because in his interpretation of ‘gayness,’ we can’t behave like anything other than a dog in heat when we are around someone to whom we are attracted.

  “Yeah, yeah! Whatever. So, listen,” he says, “I invited someone you might like, to have lunch with us.”

  I slammed on my brakes so hard; I’m sure my shoes will need new soles. “You set me up? Wait! With a man or a woman?”

  “A man, a friend of my brother. I don’t know if he is your type, though. From the pictures my brother showed me, he looks kind of... he is...”

  “Oh, just say it! I already know you are not homophobic.”

  “The guy says he is ‘flamboyant.’ Is that ok?”

  I’ve never dated a feminine man before, so I don’t even know how to answer that question.

  “I guess I’ll have to see him first.” But considering my type comes in the form of a very manly, raw, and muscular Harvey Breevort, I doubt this guy we are meeting will do it for me.

  We arrive at one of Harvey’s restaurants, and there is already a table waiting for us. It’s been five months since I met him, and even now that I’ve managed to have a closet full of presentable clothes, I still feel like I don’t belong around him. Oh! And guess what? I’m still going around undocumented. My parents refuse to talk to me, to take my calls, so I’ll have to go to Maine.

  “About time, you showed up! What took you so long?”

  That’s Jared. Mr. Jared ‘Just as hot as Harvey’ Breevort. He is three years older than Harvey, and although he takes his business pretty seriously, he is super laid back.

  “Spencer, took his sweet time getting ready.”

  “Oh, whatever! Hi Jared, nice to see you again.”

  “Good to see you too, Toby.” I made the mistake of telling him that I hate when people call me Toby, now that’s all he will call me.

  “Anyway! Toby, this is my friend, Shane Bennett. Shane, this is Tobias Spencer, he works for my brother.”

  I turn to the guy and see a cheeky grin followed by, “Hello there! Nice to meet you.” Okay, so it seems as though my taste has a pretty wide range, because yes, this Shane guy is cute as hell.

  “Hi! Nice to meet you. How do you know Jared and Harvey?”

  “I was a server programmer for Jared a couple of years ago. He dated my sister for a while, and it didn’t work out. He got me on the breakup.” I laugh, and we fall into casual conversation; all four of us.

  I can’t help but notice Harvey’s demeanor and how on edge he looks. Is there something wrong with the restaurant? I mean, it would totally make sense if he is watching the operations and wants to fire someone during lunch. I think. Or could it be that last chick he was dating? She was annoying as shit, so if the problem is that she is gone, I will be celebrating.


  Chapter 4

  I didn’t think Tobias would be attracted to this guy at all; they don’t even look good together. I mean, he is attracted to me. He does his best to hide it, and even though it’s not reciprocated, I don’t mind that his cheeks get all red and flushed every time I swim in my pool.

  Does it make me a dirt-bag that I swim in a Speedo most of the time? Probably. But seeing Tobias lose all words while trying to hide that he likes me is too damn funny, which is why it pisses me off that he likes this guy that looks so much different to me.

  Tobias should be consistent, right? If he likes muscles, then he should go looking for someone that looks like me. Not me, definitely not me! But he should at least... look like me. Shouldn’t he?

  We’ve been at my restaurant for about thirty minutes, and Jesus! How much can a man flirt? I’ve never seen Tobias flirting with someone like it wasn’t obvious that the guy wanted him in his bed. I’ve never seen Tobias flirt with anyone except me.

  “Hey, are you ok?” He whispers while Jared and Mr. Congeniality talk, so only I can hear it.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Ok, if you say so, then I believe you. Also, I never really ask for time off, so I was wondering if I could have the rest of the night?”

; “It’s not even six yet.”

  I see a shade of red on his cheeks, a blush that only belongs to me. I mean, it doesn’t belong to me; but it usually appears when he looks at someone like me.

  “I don’t think so. I need you around the house, so, no.” I don’t even bother to look at him when I speak, making it clear that this is non-negotiable.

  “Yeah, right, ok, master, I’m not going!”

  He laughs as if I’m joking. Do I look like I’m kidding? “I don’t see the joke, Spencer. You asked for a day off, and as your boss, I’m not approving it. End of the discussion.”

  I see something that looks a lot like anger. I’ve never seen him mad, not even when he talks about his family; the little, he says about them, anyway.

  “With all due respect, Harvey, the pool is clean, and everything that was on my to-do list is complete. How about you stop banging all these chicks against everything you own? That way, you don’t have to keep paying me to repair so much shit. I’m taking the night off.”

  I stare in disbelief. Not only because Tobias stood up and said that he is taking the night off, whether I like it or not, but he also had the nerve to accuse me of breaking things all over, as if I beat women around. I mean yeah, some of them liked it rough, but it’s not my fault they kept screaming ‘harder.’

  “I don’t trust this guy. He is too available.”

  “And if he is, then great. About the time I start making a life here. I won’t be cleaning your pool forever.”

  I’m speechless. It’s not like I can say anything when the man has been quiet about all the hook-ups that I’ve brought home. I’m pretty sure he saw and most likely heard a few of them.



  The nerves on this man.

  Twenty-four! That’s the number of women he’s slept with since I moved in. Twenty-fucking-four. “So, Shane. Do you have plans for the rest of the night?” I ask the guy, putting an end to the conversation with Harvey before I strangle him right here.

  “I don’t,” he laughs, “I was going to go back to my sad apartment and binge on whatever show Netflix recommends me.

  “I see. I have never seen an apartment here in the city; or at least not the inside of one. I think you should show me.”

  “Real smooth, Toby!” Says Jared while he laughs at the same time as Harvey says, “Oh, for God’s sake!”

  “That sounds much better than my plan, handsome.” Shane purrs with what I assume it’s his sexy voice and with less subtlety than my own. He takes out his wallet, puts some bills on the table, and talks to Jared.

  “Sugar, I’ve seen enough of you for today, so I’m going to take this hot piece of meat to my place before he changes his mind.”

  Jared, who never stopped laughing since I made my insinuation says, “I thought you were vegan.”

  “Not for this meat, I ain't!”

  They continue with their jokes, and I try to fix things with Harvey before I leave. As much as I want to hook-up with this guy, I don’t want to lose my job, much less his friendship.

  “Hey, boss! Can I talk to you for a minute?” Then to Shane, I say, “Would you give me just a few minutes? I want to make sure Harvey doesn’t need me for anything around the house.” They nod and I follow Harvey to a corner where we can talk.

  “Listen, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful or to disrespect you in any way. I’m sorry I said things that weren’t my place to say.”

  “Ok. Is that all?”

  Jeez! Why is he acting like such a jerk?

  “I’m serious, Harvey! I get that I upset you. Your response took me by surprise, that’s all.” Just when I think he will accept my apology and move on; he decides instead to provide me his very unrequested opinion.

  “That guy is not good enough for you, Spencer.” Ok yeah, I’m done. Who does Harvey think he is? My father?

  “I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself. Now, if you’ll excuse me since you were the one to set me up tonight, I’m going to go and get laid. Have a good night, boss!”

  I don’t bother to acknowledge his scowl and opt to walk back to the table. When I’m about to take some bills out of my own wallet, Jared reminds me that Harvey owns the place, and we are not paying. Shane and I say goodbye to him and make our way to where his car is parked. “Alright! I only have one question. Top or bottom?” I ask.

  “Oh, honey, bottom, of course!”

  “A man after my own heart!”

  And we both laugh as I eagerly get in the car, hoping the sex helps my brain calm down and understand that Harvey was not jealous and that the thought alone is just wishful thinking.


  Chapter 5

  It turns out I signed myself up for failure. Shane is much more than he shows to the world. I mean, I was sure he was frisky based on his comments, but the fragile feminine act was just that; an act.

  “Jesus! You are killing me here,” I tell him, “take it easy on me; it’s been too long.”

  “It’s been too long for me too. That’s why I need it. I need you inside me within the next ten minutes, or I might die.” Ok, so maybe the dramatic part was not an act.

  “Yeah? But if you keep that up, I’ll be coming on my pants instead of your ass.” His reaction to my words comes in the form of a whimper that I swallow along with his tongue. The man can kiss, alright.

  “Follow me!” He says, breaking the kiss and extending his hand for me to take. I follow him across the apartment, noticing how nice and well-kept it is. I don’t know if he lives by himself or has roommates—not that I care—I just wonder if it could be possible for me to afford something like this on my own one day. “Here we are… last chance to walk away, hottie!”

  “The only way I’m going is forward. Open the door, beautiful.” The instant that door opens, I pin him to the wall next to it, closing it without even looking at it.

  I didn’t even process how hard I already was. Must be the amount of time my balls have been waiting for this. Shane cups my erection in his hand, squeezing it for good measure.

  “Mmm! Stop teasing me; we both know we want it hard and fast.” I tell him, and he retorts, “You just read my mind, gorgeous.” He winks at me right before he lowers to his knees and starts to unbuckle my belt. It takes his eager self seconds to work it all and get my cock out.

  “Wow! You have the prettiest dick I’ve ever seen.”

  Now is my turn to smirk when I look down and say, “thanks! I grew it myself.” He throws his head back as he laughs, but my hand is there to stop him and keep him close to what I’m about to shove down his throat.

  Looking directly into my eyes, he puts his tongue flat out and slides it from the base to the head of my dick. The move makes me gasp and pushes my palm flat against the wall, so I don’t fall.

  “Fuck! God, your mouth is sinful.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, babe!” As if to prove his point, he spits on it, and after a few strokes to make me slick, he swallows almost the whole thing. I could swear I feel the head of my cock poking his tonsils.

  “I’m going to kill Jared! Where has he been keeping you all this time? Making me miss out on this damn glorious mouth.” He doesn’t say anything, mostly because he is stuffed with my dick. He keeps bobbing his head up and down, wrapping his lips tight around me.